Monday, March 2, 2009

The laws...

The laws of science paused;
And the power of the motion pictures took over.
A narrow tunnel of silence surrounded her.
It wasn’t the first time to happen, but again
She was oblivious to the repeat event.

The laws of passion caused,
A momentary void, a time continuum rift.
Yes, age old passion makes the mind drift.
What can reel it back in? Absolute fear.
Life changing, yes maybe someone would hear.

The laws of nature unchanged.
The stalker carves out his silent territory
Writes the beginning and end to his story,
Oblivious if he has all the details right.
He’s confident that he needs to stay out of sight.

The laws of love unchallenged.
So he drags himself back into the sunlight
Hiding any wounds from his last fight.
Determined not to fight and lose again
He kept silent and instead picked up his pen.

By Dave Schipper © 2009 Rose Riversongs

Picture credits

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