Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Water is Life


Mother Earth, now listen to us

We're protectors calling you

Oh our brothers are misguided

They need wisdom to pull us through

Water is life we all know that

Sacred as the morning sun

Still we hide ourselves in sin

Ignoring all that we have done.

Human beings just formed of dust

Would wither in the coming heat

We need to stop and check our actions

For our children to live and breathe

There are choices you can show us

There are actions we must take

We are all in this together

And we know what is at stake.

Mother Earth, guide us forward

Take the plank from in our sight

We pray to stop the greedy bastards

Form a new earth birthright

Water is life be our battle cry

On our lips and mind each day

Mark our journey with your blessings

Let us feel the lake's spray.

To the hymn tune Beach Spring

By Dave Schipper

(c) 2022 Roseriver Songs

This tune is one I love to play instrumentally and knew it belonged to this theme.  Any one who would love to sing, to cover or publish these words, do so as a gift from me to the earth; just give me a byline so that we may have a source for more sharing. 

Added later after original post was published, my singing of the song; p.s. I did tweak some of the words too to make it easier to sign.

Of course retirement and an empty house for a few hours allowed me to record it and make it available for 100% proceeds going to Honor the Earth.

Here is the melody if you aren't familiar and want to sign to it.

To read the Dave's Basement Tracks recap of the festival, Click Here.


Bruce Potts said...

Lovely and very timely lyrics! Well done.

Dave Schipper said...

Thanks for stopping by Bruce